Dulcified Tin Pan Alley

Dulcified Tin Pan Alley


25 Tin Pan Alley favorites in both solo and ensemble arrangements, plus CD. Click here to purchase this book in downloadable PDF format.

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1. American Patrol - 3 parts (mp3)
2. Back Home in Indiana - 3 parts
3. Beautiful Ohio - 1 part
4. Bill Bailey - 1 part  (mp3)
5. Bluebell - 1 part
6. Button Up Your Overcoat - 2 parts (mp3)
7. Come Take A Trip In My Airship - 2 parts
8. Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two) - 2 parts (mp3)
9. Fountain in the Park - 1 part 
10. I'll Take You Home, Again, Kathleen - 1 part (mp3) 
11. Let Me Call You Sweetheart - 1 part
12. Look For the Silver Lining - 1 part (mp3)
13. My Blue Heaven - 1 part (mp3)
14. Peg 'O My Heart - 1 part (mp3)
15. Perfect Day - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts (mp3)
16. Perfect Day - Key of D (1+ fret) - 1 part 
17. Shine On Harvest Moon (Capo 3) - 1 part
18. Show Me the Way To Go Home - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts 
19. Show Me the Way To Go Home - Key of D (1+ fret) - 2 parts (mp3)
20. Simple Melody - 5 parts (mp3)
21. Stars and Stripes - Key of A (Capo 4) - 2 parts
22. Stars and Stripes - Key of D (1+ fret) - 2 parts  (mp3)
23. Take Me Out to the Ball Game - 1 part
24. Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie (Capo 3) - 1 part
25. Whispering - 3 parts (mp3)