Dulcimers for David

Dulcimers for David


Produced in honor of legendary dulcimer virtuoso David Schnaufer, all the proceeds from the sale of this recording will be used to buy dulcimers for children.

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David Schnaufer was a dulcimer player, a historian of the dulcimer in all its varieties, a songwriter, a gentleman and a friend. "Everyone has an instrument," he used to say. "It's just a matter of finding it." David found the dulcimer on his 21st birthday in a downtown Austin, Texas music store.

The humble mountain dulcimer truly changed David's life and gave him a focus that would last and blossom until he lost his battle with cancer, August 23rd, 2007. David dedicated his entire life, not just in mastering the dulcimer but also in teaching the joys of playing this "user-friendly" instrument.

This special recording features many of David's friends and students along with David himself who plays dulcimer, banjimer and Jew's Harp on several previously unreleased cuts. One of the first tunes a beginner learns is "Bile Them Cabbage". Sarah Elizabeth plays this tune much like she learned it originally from David along with several other typical tunes as interludes.

Enjoy this recording... we enjoyed creating it in memory of and as a thank you to David for his inspiration, his music, and his musical spirit.

All the proceeds from the sale of this recording will be used to buy dulcimers for children.